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Are you into drama?

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Are you into drama? Empty Are you into drama?

Post  Admin Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:10 am

Actually before talking about my favorite Korean dramas I wanted to share something with you guys. Smile There is a mini drama called Full House - not the one with Rain - with the Korean band Super Junior. In this mini drama two foreigners - a 20 year old Russian woman and a 25 year old English-Japanese woman - go to Korea and stay with 6 handsome Korean guys (6 members from Super Junior) for a month. The mini drama is from 2006 but it never gets old and I'm sure that everyone here will enjoy it. It is really interesting to see how the guys act around the foreigners and how hard they try to make them feel at home. And here we talk about the interaction between non-Asian women and Asian men right? So this mini drama is a perfect "study guide" Razz.

Go check it out episode 1 part 1 here: http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=CBEMcBzWa6Q
After watching this you can find the episodes easily on your own. Smile There are 13 episodes and they are filled with humor and I'm sure you all will enjoy every second of it.


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Are you into drama? Empty Re: Are you into drama?

Post  katdgrant Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:28 am


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Are you into drama? Empty Re: Are you into drama?

Post  Admin Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:13 am

I saw Goong too and I really liked the plot and the main guys Razz (the kissing scene was really hot too, so that's always a plus Razz) But I don't really like the main actress... If someone else played her part I might've liked it even more Razz

Also have you seen "My name is Kim Sam Soon"? If you haven't you have to see it!~ You'll definitely love it! I watched it like 3 times and I'm still not bored Razz it doesn't get old... it's just awesome Razz

If you want to see it, I know a place where you can watch it Smile


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Are you into drama? Empty Re: Are you into drama?

Post  katdgrant Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:53 pm

Admin wrote:I saw Goong too and I really liked the plot and the main guys Razz (the kissing scene was really hot too, so that's always a plus Razz) But I don't really like the main actress... If someone else played her part I might've liked it even more Razz

Also have you seen "My name is Kim Sam Soon"? If you haven't you have to see it!~ You'll definitely love it! I watched it like 3 times and I'm still not bored Razz it doesn't get old... it's just awesome Razz

If you want to see it, I know a place where you can watch it Smile
I love the men in it!! I have to say I love chae gyeon as she remind me of myself, weird and silly but cute!! That first real kiss between CG and Shin...SO HOT and the kiss on the street was as well. **sigh**

I have seen My name is Kim Sam Soon, it was really good!! I love how the two people who are really not their type, were able to come together and fall in love.

Did you watch Last Friends? It is Japanese, deals with a lot of topics, gay and domestic violence. It is a really good show, bit sad at the end but has its funny moments as well!!

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Are you into drama? Empty Re: Are you into drama?

Post  Admin Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:36 pm

Admin wrote:
Did you watch Last Friends? It is Japanese, deals with a lot of topics, gay and domestic violence. It is a really good show, bit sad at the end but has its funny moments as well!!

I saw it a few weeks ago Smile yeah it was a good show Smile wasn't your typical drama so i really liked that... usually Japanese dramas are a lot more serious and deal with a lot of problems... like "One liter of tears" and "Change" and even "Gokusen" Razz ahh i saw a lot of dramas Razz Korean dramas tend to be more romantic and you can usually guess who ends up with who, but i still love them Razz the dialogues and the little sweet scenes between the characters are just awesome and they're worth it Smile

also have you seen "Que sera, sera" with Eric? Razz another pretty hot drama with a really good looking Korean man, Eric Razz there is a scene in the elevator that makes you drool Razz


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Are you into drama? Empty Re: Are you into drama?

Post  katdgrant Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:27 pm

katdgrant wrote:
Admin wrote:
Did you watch Last Friends? It is Japanese, deals with a lot of topics, gay and domestic violence. It is a really good show, bit sad at the end but has its funny moments as well!!

I saw it a few weeks ago Smile yeah it was a good show Smile wasn't your typical drama so i really liked that... usually Japanese dramas are a lot more serious and deal with a lot of problems... like "One liter of tears" and "Change" and even "Gokusen" Razz ahh i saw a lot of dramas Razz Korean dramas tend to be more romantic and you can usually guess who ends up with who, but i still love them Razz the dialogues and the little sweet scenes between the characters are just awesome and they're worth it Smile

also have you seen "Que sera, sera" with Eric? Razz another pretty hot drama with a really good looking Korean man, Eric Razz there is a scene in the elevator that makes you drool Razz
I need to watch more drama lol!! I love Korean best!!

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Are you into drama? Empty Re: Are you into drama?

Post  Admin Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:49 pm

katdgrant wrote:I need to watch more drama lol!! I love Korean best!!

hahaha yeah Korean drama is the best Razz I like it best too Razz it's really entertaining Smile i made my mom watch a Korean drama called "Beautiful life" and she cried her eyes out Razz she also saw "My name is Kim Sam Soon" and she really liked it Smile my mom in not into drama series, but she just loved these two Smile I should make her watch more Razz maybe she should see "Winter Sonata" Smile i think she'd like the main guy actor Razz and the main actress looks exactly like my aunt, even though my aunt is white Razz but they just look so similar it's crazy

Are you into drama? Wintersonata


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Are you into drama? Empty Re: Are you into drama?

Post  katdgrant Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:17 pm

Admin wrote:
katdgrant wrote:I need to watch more drama lol!! I love Korean best!!

hahaha yeah Korean drama is the best Razz I like it best too Razz it's really entertaining Smile i made my mom watch a Korean drama called "Beautiful life" and she cried her eyes out Razz she also saw "My name is Kim Sam Soon" and she really liked it Smile my mom in not into drama series, but she just loved these two Smile I should make her watch more Razz maybe she should see "Winter Sonata" Smile i think she'd like the main guy actor Razz and the main actress looks exactly like my aunt, even though my aunt is white Razz but they just look so similar it's crazy

Are you into drama? Wintersonata

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Are you into drama? Empty Re: Are you into drama?

Post  Kayleenx3 Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:44 pm

loooooove Coffee Prince! <3 Very Happy

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Are you into drama? Empty HEHE

Post  sarahheartsyou Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:02 am

ILJIMAE,one of the best shows ever.There is also the second season called "The Return of Iljimae" Which has a different guy playing him but just as hot or even more so than the original Iljimae.
Historical Drama/Romance/Comedy
Iljimae is the story of a thief (the ghost thief) who would steal from the rich nobles and give to the poor working class. It first tells the story that first started everything. His real name is Gyum, a child who is nice, kind, and loves apricot blossoms(or was it plum?). Gyum's father was framed for rebellion against the king. He lost everything, his family, his father. His mother and sister put in slavery....


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